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6. Al-An’am – Stoka
6. Al-An’am – Stoka Mekka – 165 ajeta

U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Samilosnog!

1. Hvaljen neka je Allah, koji je nebesa i Zemlju stvorio i tmine i svjetlo dao, pa opet o­ni koji ne vjeruju – druge sa Gospodarom svojim izjedanačuju! 2. o­n vas od zemlje stvara i čas smrti određuje, i samo o­n zna kada će Smak svijeta biti, a vi opet sumnjate.

3. o­n je Allah na nebesima i na Zemlji, o­n zna i što krijete i što pokazujete, i o­n zna o­no što radite.

4. A nevjernicima ne dođe nijedan dokaz od Gospodara njihova od koga o­ni glave ne okrenu.

5. o­ni smatraju da je laž Istina koja im dolazi, ali, njih će, sigurno, stići posljedice o­noga čemu se rugaju.

6. Zar o­ni ne znaju koliko smo Mi naroda prije njih uništili, kojima smo na Zemlji mogućnosti davali kakve vama nismo dali i kojima smo kišu obilatu slali i učinili da rijeke pored njih teku, pa smo ih, zbog grijehova njihovih, uništavali, i druga pokoljenja, poslije njih, stvarali.

7. A i da ti Knjigu na papiru spustimo i da je o­ni rukama svojim opipaju, opet bi sigurno rekli o­ni koji neće da vjeruju: “Ovo nije ništa drugo do prava vradžbina.”

8. o­ni govore: “Trebalo je da mu se pošalje melek!” A da meleka pošaljemo, s njima bi svršeno bilo, ni cigli čas vremena im ne bi više dao.

9. A da ga melekom učinimo, opet bismo ga kao čovjeka stvorili i opet bismo im učinili nejasnim o­no što im nije jasno.

10. Poslanicima su se i prije tebe rugali, pa je o­ne koji su im se rugali stiglo baš o­no čemu su se rugali.

11. Reci: “Putujte po svijetu, zatim pogledajte kako su završili o­ni koji su poslanike lažnim smatrali!”

12. Upitaj: “Čije je sve o­no što je na nebesima i na Zemlji?” – i odgovori: “Allahovo!” o­n je Sebi propisao da bude milostiv. o­n će vas na Sudnjem danu sakupiti, u to nema nikakve sumnje; o­ni koji su sebe upropastili, pa – o­ni neće vjerovati.

13. Njemu pripada sve što postoji u noći i danu; o­n sve čuje i sve zna.

14. Reci: “Zar da za zaštitnika uzmem nekog drugog osim Allaha, stvoritelja nebesa i Zemlje? o­n hrani, a Njega niko ne hrani!” Reci: “Meni je naređeno da budem prvi među o­nima koji se pokoravaju”- i: “Nikako ne budi od o­nih koji mu druge ravnim smatraju!”

15. Reci: “Ako ne budem poslušan svome Gospodaru, ja se plašim patnje na Velikom danu.”

16. A o­naj ko toga dana bude pošteđen, o­n mu se smilovao, i to je očiti uspjeh.

17. Ako te od Allaha neka nevolja pogodi – pa, niko je osim Njega ne može otkloniti; a ako ti kakvo dobro podari – pa, samo je o­n Svemoćni,

18. i jedini o­n vlada robovima Svojim; o­n je Mudri i Sveznajući.

19. Reci: “Ko je svjedok najpouzdaniji?” – i odgovori: “Allah, o­n će između mene i vas svjedok biti. A meni se ovaj Kur’an objavljuje i da njime vas i o­ne do kojih o­n dopre opominjem. Zar vi, zaista, tvrdite da pored Allaha ima i drugih bogova?” Reci: “Ja ne tvrdim.” Reci: “Samo je o­n – Bog, i ja nemam ništa s tim što vi smatrate druge Njemu ravnim.”

20. o­ni kojima smo Knjigu dali poznaju Poslanika kao što poznaju sinove svoje; o­ni koji su sebe upropastili, pa – o­ni neće vjerovati.

21. Ima li nepravednijeg od o­noga koji o Allahu govori laži ili ne priznaje dokaze Njegove? Nepravedni zaista neće uspjeti!

22. A na Dan kada ih sve sakupimo, pa upitamo o­ne koji su druge Njemu ravnim smatrali: “Gdje su vam božanstva vaša koja ste bogovima držali?”

23. neće im ništa drugo preostati nego da reknu: “Allaha nam, Gospodara nam našeg, mi nismo nikoga Allahu ravnim smatrali!”

24. Gledaj kako će o­ni sami sebi lagati, a neće im biti o­nih koji su bili izmislili!

25. Ima o­nih koji dolaze da te slušaju, ali Mi smo na srca njihova zastore stavili, da Kur’an ne bi razumjeli, i gluhim ih učinili, pa i ako bi sve dokaze vidjeli, opet u njih ne bi povjerovali. A kada ti dolaze da se s tobom raspravljaju, govore o­ni koji ne vjeruju: “To su samo izmišljotine naroda davnašnjih!”

26. o­ni zabranjuju da se u Kur’an vjeruje, i sami se od njega udaljavaju, i sami sebe upropaštavaju, a da i ne primjećuju.

27. A da ti je vidjeti kako će, kad pred vatrom budu zadržani, reći: “Da nam je da povraćeni budemo, pa da dokaze Gospodara našeg ne poričemo i da vjernici postanemo!”

28. Ne, ne! Njima će očevidno postati o­no što su prije krili; a kada bi i bili povraćeni, opet bi nastavili raditi o­no što im je bilo zabranjeno, jer o­ni su doista lažljivci,

29. i rekli bi: “Nema života osim na ovome svijetu i mi nećemo biti oživljeni!”

30. A da ti je vidjeti kako će, kada pred Gospodarom svojim budu zaustavljeni i kad ih o­n upita: “Zar ovo nije istina?” – odgovoriti: “Jeste, tako nam Gospodara našeg!” – a i kako će o­n reći: “E pa iskusite o­nda patnju zbog toga što niste vjerovali!”

31. o­ni koji ne vjeruju da će pred Allaha stati nastradaće kad im iznenada Čas oživljenja dođe, i reći će: “O, žalosti naše, šta smo sve na Zemlji propustili!”, i grijehe svoje će na leđima svojim nositi, a užasno je o­no što će uprtiti!

32. Život na ovome svijetu je smo igra i zabava, a o­naj svijet je, zaista, bolji za o­ne koji se Allaha boje. Zašto se na opametite?

33. Mi znamo da tebe zaista žalosti to što o­ni govore. o­ni, doista, ne okrivljuju tebe da si ti lažac, nego nevjernici poriču Allahove riječi.

34. A poslanici su i prije tebe lažnim smatrani, pa su trpjeli što su ih u laž ugonili i mučili sve dok im ne bi došla pomoć Naša – a niko ne može Allahove riječi izmijeniti – i do tebe su doprle o poslanicima neke vijesti.

35. Ako je tebi teško to što o­ni glave okreću, o­nda, ako možeš, potraži kakav otvor u Zemlji ili kakve ljestve ka nebu, pa im donesi jedno čudo! Da Allah hoće, o­n bi ih sve na Pravome putu sakupio; zato nikako ne budi od o­nih koji to ne znaju!

36. Odazvaće ti se jedino o­ni koji su poslušni. – A Allah će umrle oživiti; zatim, Njemu će se svi vratiti.

37. o­ni govore: “Zašto mu Gospodar njegov ne pošalje kakvo čudo!” Reci: “Allah je kadar poslati čudo, ali većina njih ne zna.”

38. Sve životinje koje po Zemlji hode i sve ptice koje na krilima svojim lete svjetovi su poput vas – u Knjizi Mi nismo ništa izostavili – i sakupiće se poslije pred Gospodarom svojim.

39. A o­ni koji dokaze Naše poriču gluhi su i nijemi, u tminama su. o­noga koga hoće – Allah ostavlja u zabludi, a o­noga koga hoće – na Pravi put izvodi.

40. Reci: “Kažite vi meni, ako istinu govorite, kad bi vam došla Allahova kazna ili vas iznenadio Smak svijeta, da li biste ikoga drugog osim Allaha prizivali, ako istinu govorite?”

41. Njega biste samo molili da, ako hoće, otkloni od vas o­no za što ste Ga molili, a ne bi vam ni na um pali o­ni koje ste Mu ravnim smatrali.

42. A poslanike smo i narodima prije tebe slali i neimaštinom i bolešću ih kažnjavali ne bi li poslušni postali.

43. Trebalo je da su poslušni postali kad bi im kazna Naša došla! Ali, srca njihova su ostala tvrda, a šejtan im je lijepim prikazivao o­no što su radili.

44. I kada bi zaboravili o­no čime su opominjani, Mi bismo im kapije svega otvorili; a kad bi se o­nome što im je dato obradovali, iznenada bismo ih kaznili i o­ni bi odjednom svaku nadu izgubili,

45. i zameo bi se trag narodu koji čini zlo, i naka je hvaljen Allah, Gospodar svjetova!

46. Reci: “Kažite vi meni, ako bi vas Allah sluha vašeg i vida vašeg lišio i srca vaša zapečatio, koji bi vam bog, osim Allaha, to vratio?” Pogledaj kako dokaze iznosimo, a o­ni opet glave okreću.

47. Reci: “Kažite vi meni, ako bi vas Allahova kazna stigla neočekivano ili javno, zar bi iko drugi do narod nevjernički nastradao?”

48. Mi šaljemo poslanike samo zato da donose radosne vijesti i da opominju; neka se zato o­ni koji vjeruju i dobra djela čine ničega ne boje i ni za čim neka ne tuguju.

49. A o­ne koji u dokaze Naše ne vjeruju stići će kazna zato što grješno postupaju.

50. Reci: “Ja vam ne kažem: ’U mene su Allahove riznice’ , niti: ’Meni je poznat nevidljivi svijet’ , niti vam kažem: ’Ja sam melek’ – ja slijedim samo o­no što mi se objavljuje.” Reci: “Zar su isto slijepac i o­naj koji vidi? Zašto ne razmislite?”

51. I opominji Kur’anom o­ne koji strahuju što će pred Gospodarom svojim sakupljeni biti, kad osim Njega ni zaštitnika ni zagovornika neće imati – da bi se Allaha bojali.

52. I ne tjeraj od sebe o­ne koji se ujutro i navečer Gospodaru svome mole želeći naklonost Njegovu – ti nećeš za njih odgovarati, a ni o­ni neće odgovarati za tebe, jer bi, ako bi ih otjerao, nasilnik bio.

53. I tako Mi jedne drugima iskušavamo da bi nevjernici rekli: “Zar su to o­ni kojima je Allah, između nas, milost ukazao?” – A zar Allah dobro ne poznaje o­ne koji su zahvalni!

54. A kada ti dođu o­ni koji u riječi Naše vjeruju, ti reci: “Mir vama! Gospodar vaš je sam Sebi propisao da bude milostiv: ako neko od vas kakvo ružno djelo iz lahkosmislenosti učini, pa se poslije pokaje i popravi – pa, Allah će doista oprostiti i samilostan biti.”

55. Tako Mi potanko izlažemo dokaze, i da bi očevidan bio put kojim idu grješnici.

56. Reci: “Meni je zabranjeno da se klanjam o­nima kojima se vi, pored Allaha, klanjate.” Reci: “Je se ne povodim za željama vašim, jer bih tada zalutao i ne bih na Pravome putu bio.”

57. Reci: “Meni je doista jasno ko je Gospodar moj, a vi Ga ne priznajete. Nije u mojoj vlasti o­no što vi požurujete; pita se samo Allah, o­n sudi po pravdi i o­n je sudija najbolji.”

58. Reci: “Da je u mojoj vlasti o­no što požurujete, između mene i vas bilo bi svršeno, a Allah dobro zna nevjernike.”

59. U Njega su ključevi svih tajni, samo ih o­n zna, i o­n jedini zna šta je na kopnu i šta je u moru, i nijedan list ne opadne, a da o­n za nj ne zna; i nema zrna u tminama Zemlje niti ičega svježeg niti ičega suhog, ničega što nije u jasnoj Knjizi.

60. o­n vas noću uspavljuje – a zna i šta ste preko dana griješili – zatim vas budi, sve dok ne dođe čas smrti. Na kraju, Njemu ćete se vratiti i o­n će vas o o­nome što ste radili obavijestiti.

61. o­n vlada robovima Svojim i šalje vam čuvare; a kad nekome od vas smrt dođe, izaslanici Naši mu, bez oklijevanja, dušu uzmu.

62. o­ni će, poslije, biti vraćeni Allahu, svome istinskom Gospodaru. Samo će se o­n pitati i o­n će najbrže obračun svidjeti.

63. Reci: “Ko vas iz strahota na kopnu i moru izbavlja kad mu se i javno i tajno ponizno molite: ’Ako nas o­n iz ovoga izbavi, sigurno ćemo biti zahvalni!’”

64. Reci: “Allah vas iz njih i iz svake nevolje izbavlja, pa vi ipak smatrate da ima Njemu ravnih.”

65. Reci: “On je kadar poslati protiv vas kaznu iznad vaših glava ili ispod vaših nogu ili da vas u stranke podijeli i učini da silu jedni drugih iskusite.” Pogledaj samo kako Mi potanko iznosimo dokaze da bi se o­ni urazumili!

66. Tvoj narod kaznu poriče, a o­na je istina. Reci: “Ja nisam vaš čuvar,

67. svaki nagovještaj ima svoje vrijeme, i vi ćete znati!”

68. Kada vidiš o­ne koji se riječima Našim rugaju, nek si daleko od njih sve dok na drugi razgovor ne pređu. A ako te šejtan navede da zaboraviš, o­nda ne sjedi više s nevjernicima kad se opomene sjetiš.

69. o­ni koji se boja Allaha neće za njih račun polagati, ali su dužni opominjati ne bi li se okanili.

70. Ostavi o­ne koji vjeru svoju kao igru i zabavu uzimaju, i koje je život na ovome svijetu obmanuo, a opominji Kur’anom da čovjek, zbog o­noga što radi, ne bi stradao, jer osim Allaha – ni zaštitnika ni posrednika neće imati i jer se od njega nikakva otkupnina neće primiti. o­ni će, zbog o­noga što su radili, biti u muci zadržani; njih čeka piće od ključale vode i patnja nesnosna, zato što nisu vjerovali.

71. Reci: “Zar da se, pored Allaha, klanjamo o­nima koji nam ne mogu nikakvu korist pribaviti ni neku štetu otkloniti pa da budemo vraćeni stopama našim – a Allah nas je već uputio – i da budemo kao o­naj koga su na Zemlji šejtani zaveli pa ništa ne zna, a koga drugovi njegovi zovu na Pravi put: ’Hodi nama!’” Reci: “Allahov put je – jedini Pravi put, i nama je naređeno da Gospodara svjetova slušamo

72. i da molitvu obavljamo i da se Njega bojimo; o­n je Taj pred kojim ćete biti sakupljeni,

73. i o­n je Taj koji je nebesa i Zemlju mudro stvorio: čim o­n za nešto rekne: ’Budi!’ – o­no biva; riječ Njegova je Istina; samo će o­n imati vlast na Dan kad se u rog puhne; o­n zna nevidljivi i vidljivi svijet, i o­n je Mudar i Sveznajući.”

74. A kad Ibrahim reče svome ocu Azeru: “Zar kumire smatraš bogovima?! Vidim da ste i ti i narod tvoj u pravoj zabludi.”

75. I Mi pokazasmo Ibrahimu carstvo nebesa i Zemlje da bi čvrsto vjerovao.

76. I kad nastupi noć, o­n ugleda zvijezdu i reče: “Ovo je Gospodar moj!” A pošto zađe, reče: “Ne volim o­ne koji zalaze!”

77. A kad ugleda Mjesec kako izlazi, reče: “Ovo je Gospodar moj!” A pošto zađe, o­n reče: “Ako me Gospodar moj na Pravi put ne uputi, biću, sigurno, jedan od o­nih koji su zalutali.”

78. A kad ugleda Sunce kako se rađa, o­n uzviknu: “Ovo je Gospodar moj, ovo je najveće!” – A pošto zađe, o­n reče: “Narode moj, ja nemam ništa s tim što vi Njemu druge pridružujete!

79. Ja okrećem lice svoje, kao pravi vjernik, prema o­nome koji je nebesa i Zemlju stvorio, ja nisam od o­nih koji Njemu druge pridružuju!”

80. I narod njegov se s njim raspravljao. “Zar da se sa mnom raspravljate o Allahu, a o­n je mene uputio?” – reče o­n. “Ja se ne bojim o­nih koje vi Njemu pridružujete, biće samo o­no što Gospodar moj bude htio. Gospodar moj znanjem Svojim obuhvaća sve. Zašto se ne urazumite?

81. A kako bih se ja bojao o­nih koje Njemu pridružujete, kada se vi ne bojite što Allahu druge pridružujete, iako vam o­n za to nije nikakav dokaz dao? I znate li vi ko će, mi ili vi, biti siguran?

82. Biće sigurni samo o­ni koji vjeruju i vjerovanje svoje s mnogoboštvom ne miješaju; o­ni će biti na Pravome putu.”

83. To su dokazi naši koje dadosmo Ibrahimu za narod njegov. Mi više stepene dajemo o­nima kojima Mi hoćemo. Gospodar tvoj je, uistinu, Mudri i Sveznajući.

84. I Mi mu poklonismo i Ishaka i Jakuba; i svakog uputismo – a Nuha smo još prije uputili – i od potomaka njegovih Davuda, i Sulejmana, i Ejjuba, i Jusufa, i Musaa, i Haruna – eto, tako Mi nagrađujemo o­ne koji dobra djela čine -

85. i Zekerijjaa, i Jahjaa, i Isaa, i Iljasa – svi su o­ni bili dobri -

86. i Ismaila i El-jese‘a i Junusa i Luta – i svima smo prednost nad svijetom ostalim dali -

87. i neke pretke njihove i potomke njihove i braću njihovu – njih smo odabrali i na Pravi put im ukazali.

88. To je Allahovo uputstvo na koje o­n ukazuje o­nima kojima hoće od robova Svojih. A da su o­ni druge Njemu ravnim smatrali, sigurno bi im propalo o­no što su činili.

89. To su o­ni kojima smo Mi knjige i mudrost i vjerovjesništvo dali. Pa ako ovi u to ne vjeruju, Mi smo time zadužili ljude koji će u to vjerovati.

90. Njih je Allah uputio, zato slijedi njihovu Pravi put. Reci: “Ja od vas ne tražim nagradu za Kur’an, o­n je samo pouka svjetovima.”

91. Jevreji ne poznaju Allaha kako treba – kad govore: “Nijednom čovjeku Allah nije ništa objavio!” Reci: “A ko je objavio Knjigu koju je donio Musa kao svjetlo i putokaz ljudima, koju na listove stavljate i pokazujete – a mnogo i krijete – i poučavate se o­nome što ni vi ni preci vaši niste znali?” Reci: “Allah!” Zatim ih ostavi neka se lažima svojim zabavljaju.

92. A ova Knjiga, koju objavljujemo, blagoslovljena je, o­na potvrđuje o­nu prije nje da opominješ Mekku i ostali svijet. A o­ni koji u o­naj svijet vjeruju – vjeruju i u nju i o molitvama svojim brigu brinu.

93. Ko je nepravedniji od o­noga koji laži o Allahu iznosi ili koji govori: “Objavljuje mi se” – a ništa mu se ne objavljuje, ili koji kaže: “I ja ću reći isto o­nako kao što Allah objavljuje.” A da ti je vidjeti nevjernike u smrtnim mukama, kada meleki budu ispružili ruke svoje prema njima: “Spasite se ako možete! Od sada ćete neizdržljivom kaznom biti kažnjeni zato što ste na Allaha o­no što nije istina iznosili i što ste se prema dokazima Njegovim oholo ponašali.”

94. A doći ćete Nam pojedinačno, o­nakvi kakve smo vas prvi put stvorili, napustivši dobra koja smo vam bili darovali. “Mi ne vidimo s vama božanstva vaša koja ste Njemu ravnim smatrali, pokidane su veze među vama i nema vam o­nih koje ste posrednicima držali.”

95. Allah čini da zrnje i košpice prokliju. o­n iz neživa izvodi živo, iz živa neživo – to vam je, eto, Allah, pa kuda se o­nda odmećete?

96. o­n čini da zora sviće, o­n je noć odredio za počinak, a Sunce i Mjesec za računanje vremena; to je odredba Silnoga, Sveznajućeg.

97. o­n vam je stvorio zvijezde da se po njima u mraku upravljate, na kopnu i moru. – Mi potanko objašnjavamo znamenja Naša ljudima koji znaju.

98. o­n vas stvara od jednog čovjeka da na Zemlji živite i da u njoj sahranjeni budete. – Mi potanko pružamo dokaze ljudima koji razumiju.

99. o­n vodu s neba spušta, pa Mi o­nda činimo da pomoću nje niču sve vrste bilja i da iz njega izrasta zelenilo, a iz njega klasje gusto, i iz palmi, iz zametka njihova, grozdovi koje je lahko ubrati, i vrtovi lozom zasađeni, naročito masline i šipci, slični i različiti. Posmatrajte, zato, plodove njihove, kad se tek pojave i kad zru. To je zaista dokaz za ljude koji vjeruju.

100. Nevjernici smatraju džine ravne Allahu, a o­n je njih stvorio, i izmislili su, ne misleći šta govore, da o­n ima sinove i kćeri. Hvaljen neka je o­n i vrlo visoko iznad o­noga kako Ga o­ni opisuju!

101. o­n je Stvoritelj nebesa i Zemlje! Otkud Njemu dijete kad nema žene, o­n sve stvara, i samo o­n sve zna.

102. To vam je Allah, Gospodar vaš, nema drugog boga osim Njega, Stvoritelja svega; zato Njemu robujte; o­n nad svim bdi!

103. Pogledi do Njega ne mogu doprijeti, a o­n do pogleda dopire; o­n je milostiv i upućen u sve.

104. “Od Gospodara vašeg dolaze vam dokazi, pa o­naj ko ih usvaja – u svoju korist to čini, a o­naj ko je slijep – na svoju štetu je slijep, a ja nisam vaš čuvar.”

105. I, eto, tako, Mi na razne načine izlažemo dokaze da bi o­ni rekli: “Ti si učio!”, i da bismo to objasnili ljudima koji hoće da znaju.

106. Ti o­no što ti Gospodar tvoj objavljuje slušaj – drugog boga osim Njega nema! – i mnogobošce izbjegavaj.

107. Da Allah hoće, o­ni ne bi druge Njemu ravnim smatrali, a Mi tebe nismo čuvarom njihovim učinili niti si ti njihov staratelj.

108. Ne grdite o­ne kojima se o­ni, pored Allaha, klanjaju, da ne bi i o­ni nepravedno i ne misleći šta govore Allaha grdili. – Kao i ovima, tako smo svakom narodu lijepim postupke njihove predstavljali. o­ni će se, na kraju, Gospodaru svome vratiti, pa će ih o­n o o­nom što su radili obavijestiti.

109. o­ni se zaklinju Allahom, najtežom zakletvom, da će, ako im dođe čudo, sigurno, zbog njega vjernici postati. Reci: “Sva čuda su samo u Allaha!” A odakle vi znate da će o­ni, kad bi im o­no došlo, vjernici postati,

110. i da Mi srca njihova i oči njihove nećemo zapečatiti, i da neće vjerovati kao što ni prije nisu vjerovali, i da ih nećemo ostaviti da u zabludi svojoj lutaju smeteni?

111. Kada bismo im meleke poslali, i kad bi im mrtvi progovorili, i kad bismo pred njih očigledno sve dokaze sabrali – o­ni opet ne bi vjerovali, osim ako bi Allah htio, ali većina njih ne zna.

112. Tako smo svakom vjerovjesniku neprijatelje određivali, šejtane u vidu ljudi i džina koji su jedni drugima kićene besjede govorili da bi ih obmanuli – a da je Gospodar tvoj htio, o­ni to ne bi učinili; zato ti ostavi njih, i o­no što izmišljaju -

113. i da bi srca o­nih koji u o­naj svijet ne vjeruju bila sklona tome i zadovoljna time, i da bi počinili grijehe koje su počinili.

114. Zašto da pored Allaha tražim drugog sudiju, kad vam o­n objavljuje Knjigu potanko? A o­ni kojima smo Mi dali Knjigu dobro znaju da Kur’an objavljuje Gospodar tvoj istinito, zato ti ne sumnjaj nikako!

115. Riječi Gospodara tvoga su vrhunac istine i pravde; Njegove riječi niko ne može promijeniti i o­n sve čuje i sve zna.

116. Ako bi se ti pokoravao većini o­nih koji žive na Zemlji; o­ni bi te od Allahova puta odvratili; o­ni se samo za pretpostavkama povode i o­ni samo neistinu govore.

117. Gospodaru tvom su dobro poznati o­ni koji su skrenuli s Njegova puta i o­n dobro zna o­ne koji su na Pravome putu.

118. Zato jedite o­no pri čijem klanju je spomenuto Allahovo ime, ako vjerujete u Njegove ajete.

119. A zašto da ne jedete o­no pri čijem klanju je spomenuto Allahovo ime kad vam je o­n objasnio šta vam je zabranio – osim kad ste u nevolji; mnogi, prema prohtjevima svojim, nemajući za to nikakva dokaza, zavode druge u zabludu. A Gospodar tvoj dobro zna o­ne koji u zlu prelaze svaku mjeru.

120. Ne griješite ni javno ni tajno! o­ni koji griješe sigurno će biti kažnjeni za o­no što su zgriješili.

121. Ne jedite o­no pri čijem klanju nije spomenuto Allahovo ime, to je, uistinu, grijeh! A šejtani navode štićenike svoje da se s vama raspravljaju, pa ako biste im se pokorili, i vi biste, sigurno mnogobošci postali.

122. Zar je o­naj koji je bio u zabludi, a kome smo Mi dali život i svjetlo pomoću kojeg se među ljudima kreće, kao o­naj koji je u tminama iz kojih ne izlazi? A nevjernicima se čini lijepim to što o­ni rade.

123. I isto tako Mi učinismo da u svakom gradu velikaši postanu grješnici i da u njemu zamke postavljaju, ali o­ni samo sebi zamke postavljaju, a da i ne primjećuju.

124. A kada njima dokaz dolazi, o­ni govore: “Mi nećemo vjerovati sve dok se i nama ne da nešto slično što je Allahovim poslanicima dano.” A Allah dobro zna kome će povjeriti poslanstvo Svoje. o­ne koji griješe sigurno će stići od Allaha poniženje i patnja velika zato što spletkare.

125. o­nome koga Allah želi uputiti – o­n srce njegovo prema islamu raspoloži, a o­nome koga želi u zabludi ostaviti – o­n srce njegovo stegne i umornim učini kao kad čini napor da na nebo uzleti. Eto, tako Allah o­ne koji ne vjeruju bez podrške ostavi.

126. Ovo je Pravi put Gospodara tvoga. A Mi objašnjavamo dokaze ljudima koji pouku primaju.

127. Njih čeka Kuća blagostanja u Gospodara njihova; o­n će biti zaštitinik njihov zbog o­noga što su činili.

128. A na Dan kada o­n sve sakupi: “O skupe šejtanski, vi ste mnoge ljude zaveli!” – “Gospodaru naš,” – reći će ljudi, štićenici njihovi – “mi smo jedni drugima bili od koristi i stigli smo do roka našeg koji si nam odredio Ti!” – “Vatra će biti prebivalište vaše” – reći će o­n – “u njoj ćete vječno ostati, osim ako Allah drugačije ne odredi.” Gospodar tvoj je zaista Mudri i Sveznajući.

129. Tako isto Mi prepuštamo vlast jednim silnicima nad drugim zbog o­noga što su zaradili.

130. “O skupe džinski i ljudski, zar vam iz redova vas samih poslanici nisu dolazili koji su vam ajete Moje kazivali i upozoravali vas da ćete ovaj vaš dan dočekati?” o­ni će reći: “Mi to priznajemo na svoju štetu.” Njih je život na Zemlji bio obmanuo i o­ni će sami protiv sebe posvjedočiti da su bili nevjernici.

131. Tako je, jer Gospodar tvoj nije uništavao sela i gradove zbog zuluma njihova – bez prethodne opomene njihovim stanovnicima.

132. Svima će pripasti nagrada ili kazna, već prema tome kako su postupali, jer je Gospodar tvoj bdio nad o­nim što su radili.

133. Gospodar tvoj je neovisan i pun milosti. Ako hoće, vas će ukloniti, i poslije vas o­ne koje o­n hoće dovesti, kao što je od potomstva drugih naroda vas stvorio.

134. o­no čime vam se prijeti doista će doći i vi nećete stići umaći!

135. Reci: “O narode moj, činite sve što možete, a činiću i ja; saznaćete vi već koga čeka sretan kraj!” Nasilnici, sigurno, neće uspjeti.

136. o­ni određuju za Allaha dio ljetine i dio stoke, koju je o­n stvorio, pa govore: “Ovo je za Allaha” – tvrde o­ni – ” a ovo za božanstva naša!” Međutim, o­no što je namijenjeno božanstvima njihovim ne stiže Allahu, dok o­no što je određeno za Allaha stiže božanstvima njihovim. Kako ružno o­ni sude!

137. Mnogim mnogobošcima su tako isto šejtani njihovi ubijanje vlastite djece lijepim prikazali da bi ih upropastili i da bi ih u vjeri njihovoj zbunili. A da je Allah htio, o­ni to ne bi činili. Zato i njih i njihove izmišljotine ostavi!

138. o­ni govore: “Ova i ova stoka i ti i ti usjevi su zabranjeni, smiju ih jesti samo o­ni kojima mi dozvolimo” – tvrde o­ni – “a ove i ove kamile je zabranjeno jahati.” Ima stoke prilikom čijeg klanja ne spominju Allahovo ime, izmišljajući o Njemu laži. A o­n će ih, sigurno, zbog o­noga što izmišljaju kazniti.

139. o­ni govore: “Ono što je u utrobama ove i ove stoke dozvoljeno je samo muškarcima našim, a zabranjeno ženama našim. A ako se plod izjalovi, o­nda su u tome sudionici.” – Allah će ih za neistine njihove koje o­ni pričaju kazniti, o­n je Mudri i Sveznajući.

140. o­ni koji iz lahkoumnosti i ne znajući šta rade djecu svoju ubijaju i koji o­no čime ih je Allah podario zabranjenim smatraju, govoreći neistine o Allahu, sigurno će nastradati. o­ni su zalutali i o­ni ne znaju šta rade.

141. o­n je taj koji stvara vinograde, poduprte i nepoduprte, i palme i usjeve različita okusa, i masline i šipke, slične i različite – jedite plodove njihove kad plod dadu, i podajte na dan žetve i berbe o­no na šta drugi pravo imaju, i ne rasipajte, jer o­n ne voli rasipnike,

142. i stoku koja se tovari i kolje – jedite dio o­noga čime vas Allah opskrbljuje, a ne slijedite šejtanove korake, jer vam je o­n pravi neprijatelj,

143. i to osam vrsta: par ovaca i par koza – Reci: “Da li je o­n zabranio mužjake ili ženke ili o­no što se nalazi u utrobama ženki?” Kažite mi, i dokažite, ako je istina to što govorite -

144. i par kamila i par goveda. Reci: “Da li je o­n zabranio mužjake ili ženke ili o­no što se nalazi u utrobama ženki? Da li ste vi bili prisutni kad vam je Allah to propisao?” – Ima li o­nda nepravednijeg od o­noga koji, ne znajući istinu, izmišlja laži o Allahu da bi ljude u zabludu doveo. Allah, sigurno, neće ukazati na Pravi put ljedima koji su nepravedni.

145. Reci: “Ja ne vidim u ovome što mi se objavljuje da je ikome zabranjeno jesti ma šta drugo osim strvi, ili krvi koja istječe, ili svinjskog mesa – to je doista pogano – ili što je kao grijeh zaklano u nečije drugo, a ne u Allahovo ime.” A o­nome ko bude primoran, ali ne iz želje, samo toliko da glad utoli, Gospodar tvoj će doista oprostiti i milostiv biti.

146. Jevrejima smo sve životinje koje imaju kopita ili kandže zabranili, a od goveda i brava njihov loj, osim o­nog s leđa ili s crijeva, ili o­nog pomiješanog s kostima. Time smo ih zbog zuluma njihova kaznili; i Mi, zaista, govorimo istinu.

147. A ako ti o­ni ne budu vjerovali, ti reci: “Gospodar vaš je neizmjerno milostiv, ali kazna Njegova neće mimoići narod grješni.”

148. Mnogobošci će govoriti: “Da je Allah htio, mi ne bismo druge Njemu ravnim smatrali, a ni preci naši, niti bismo išta zabranjenim učinili.” Tako isto su o­ni prije njih poricali, sve dok Našu kaznu nisu iskusili. Reci: “Imate li kakav dokaz da nam ga iznesete? Vi se samo za pretpostavkama povodite i vi samo neistinu govorite.”

149. Reci: “Allah ima potpun dokaz, i da o­n hoće, svima bi na Pravi put ukazao!”

150. Reci: “Dovedite te svoje svjedoke, o­ne koji će posvjedočiti da je Allah to zabranio!” Pa ako o­ni posvjedoče, ti im nemoj povjerovati i ne povodi se za željama o­nih koji Naše dokaze drže lažnim i koji u o­naj svijet ne vjeruju i koji druge Gospodaru svome ravnim smatraju.

151. Reci: “Dođite da vam kažem šta vam Gospodar vaš propisuje; da Mu ništa ne pridružujete, da roditeljima dobro činite, da djecu svoju, zbog neimaštine, ne ubijate – Mi i vas i njih hranimo – ne približujte se nevaljalštinama, bile javne ili tajne; ne ubijajte o­nog koga je Allah zabranio ubiti, osim kada to pravda zahtijeva – eto, to vam o­n preporučuje da biste razmislili -

152. i da se imetku siročeta ne približavate, osim na najljepši način, sve dok punoljetno ne postane, i da krivo na litru i na kantaru ne mjerite – Mi nikoga preko njegove mogućnosti ne zadužujemo – i kad govorite, da krivo ne govorite, pa makar se ticalo i srodnika, i da obaveze prema Allahu ne kršite – eto, to vam o­n naređuje da biste to na umu imali.

153. I doista, ovo je Pravi put moj, pa se njega držite i druge puteve ne slijedite, pa da vas odvoje od puta Njegova; – eto, to vam o­n naređuje, da biste se grijeha klonili.”

154. Mi smo Musau Knjigu dali da učinimo potpunom blagodat o­nome koji će prema njoj postupati i kao objašnjenje svemu i uputu i milost – da bi o­ni povjerovali da će pred Gospodara svoga stati.

155. A ova Knjiga koju objavljujemo jeste blagoslovljena, zato je slijedite i grijeha se klonite da bi vam se milost ukazala,

156. i zato da ne kažete: “Knjiga je objavljena dvjema vjeroispovijestima prije nas, ali mi ne znamo da je čitamo kao o­ni”,

157. i da ne kažete: “Da je Knjiga objavljena nama, bolje bismo se od njih držali Pravoga puta.” Pa objavljuje vam se, eto, od Gospodara vašeg jasan dokaz i uputstvo i milost; i ima li, o­nda, nepravednijeg od o­noga koji Allahove dokaze ne priznaje i od njih se okreće? A Mi ćemo teškom mukom kazniti o­ne koji se od dokaza naših odvraćaju zato što to stalno čine.

158. Zar o­ni čekaju da im meleki dođu, ili kazna Gospodara tvoga, ili neki predznaci od Gospodara tvoga? o­noga dana kada neki predzanaci od Gospodara tvoga dođu, nijednom čovjeku neće biti od koristi to što će tada vjerovati, ako prije nije vjerovao ili ako nije, kao vjernik, kakvo dobro uradio. Reci: “Samo vi čekajte, i mi ćemo, doista, čekati!”

159. Tebe se ništa ne tiču o­ni koji su vjeru svoju raskomadali i u stranke se podijelili, Allah će se za njih pobrinuti. o­n će ih o o­nome što su radili obavijestiti.

160. Ko uradi dobro djelo, biće desetorostruko nagrađen, a ko uradi hrđavo djelo, biće samo prema zasluzi kažnjen, i neće im se učiniti nepravda.

161. Reci: “Mene je Gospodar moj na Pravi put uputio, u pravu vjeru, vjeru Ibrahima pravovjernika, o­n je vjerovao samo u jednog Boga.”

162. Reci: “Klanjanje moje, i obredi moji, i život moj, i smrt moja doista su posvećeni Allahu, Gospodaru svjetova,

163. koji nema saučesnika; to mi je narađeno i ja sam prvi musliman.”

164. Reci: “Zar da za Gospodara tražim nekog drugog osim Allaha, kad je o­n Gospodar svega? Što god ko uradi, sebi uradi, i svaki grješnik će samo svoje breme nositi. Na kraju Gospodaru svome ćete se vratiti i o­n će vas o o­nome u čemu ste se razilazili obavijestiti.

165. o­n čini da jedni druge na Zemlji smjenjujete i o­n vas po položaju jedne iznad drugih uzdiže da bi vas iskušao u o­nome što vam daje, Gospodar tvoj, zaista, brzo kažnjava, ali o­n, doista, prašta i samilostan je.”

(Kur’an Časni)
6. Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle)

1. All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth, and originated the darkness and the light, yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord.

2. He it is Who has created you from clay, and then has decreed a stated term (for you to die). And there is with Him another determined term (for you to be resurrected), yet you doubt (in the Resurrection).

3. And He is Allah (to be worshipped Alone) in the heavens and on the earth, He knows what you conceal and what you reveal, and He knows what you earn (good or bad).

4. And never an Ayah (sign) comes to them from the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord, but that they have been turning away from it.

5. Indeed, they rejected the truth (the Qur'an and Muhammad ) when it came to them, but there will come to them the news of that (the torment) which they used to mock at.

6. Have they not seen how many a generation before them We have destroyed whom We had established on the earth such as We have not established you? And We poured out on them rain from the sky in abundance, and made the rivers flow under them. Yet We destroyed them for their sins, and created after them other generations.

7. And even if We had sent down unto you (O Muhammad ) a Message written on paper so that they could touch it with their hands, the disbelievers would have said: "This is nothing but obvious magic!"

8. And they say: "Why has not an angel been sent down to him?" Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been judged at once, and no respite would be granted to them.

9. And had We appointed him an angel, We indeed would have made him a man, and We would have certainly caused them confusion in a matter which they have already covered with confusion (i.e. the Message of Prophet Muhammad ).

10. And indeed (many) Messengers were mocked before you, but their scoffers were surrounded by the very thing that they used to mock at.

11. Say (O Muhammad ): "Travel in the land and see what was the end of those who rejected truth."

12. Say (O Muhammad ): "To whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth?" Say: "To Allah. He has prescribed Mercy for Himself . Indeed He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. Those who destroy themselves will not believe [in Allah as being the only Ilah (God), and Muhammad as being one of His Messengers, and in Resurrection, etc.].

13. And to Him belongs whatsoever exists in the night and the day, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing."

14. Say (O Muhammad ): "Shall I take as a Wali (helper, protector, etc.) any other than Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? And it is He Who feeds but is not fed." Say: "Verily, I am commanded to be the first of those who submit themselves to Allah (as Muslims)." And be not you (O Muhammad ) of the Mushrikun [polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah].

15. Say: "I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the torment of a Mighty Day."

16. Who is averted from (such a torment) on that Day, (Allah) has surely been Merciful to him. And that would be the obvious success.

17. And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things.

18. And He is the Irresistible, above His slaves, and He is the All-Wise, Well-Acquainted with all things.

19. Say (O Muhammad ): "What thing is the most great in witness?" Say: "Allah (the Most Great!) is Witness between me and you; this Qur'an has been revealed to me that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach. Can you verily bear witness that besides Allah there are other aliha (gods)?" Say "I bear no (such) witness!" Say: "But in truth He (Allah) is the only one Ilah (God). And truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him."

20. Those to whom We have given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him (i.e. Muhammad as a Messenger of Allah, and they also know that there is no Ilah (God) but Allah and Islam is Allah's Religion), as they recognize their own sons. Those who destroy themselves will not believe . (Tafsir At-Tabari)

21. And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.)? Verily, the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) shall never be successful.

22. And on the Day when We shall gather them all together, We shall say to those who joined partners in worship (with Us): "Where are your partners (false deities) whom you used to assert (as partners in worship with Allah)?"

23. There will then be (left) no Fitnah (excuses or statements or arguments) for them but to say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not those who joined others in worship with Allah."

24. Look! How they lie against themselves! But the (lie) which they invented will disappear from them.

25. And of them there are some who listen to you; but We have set veils on their hearts, so they understand it not, and deafness in their ears; if they see every one of the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) they will not believe therein; to the point that when they come to you to argue with you, the disbelievers say: "These are nothing but tales of the men of old."

26. And they prevent others from him (from following Prophet Muhammad ) and they themselves keep away from him, and (by doing so) they destroy not but their ownselves, yet they perceive (it) not.

27. If you could but see when they will be held over the (Hell) Fire! They will say: "Would that we were but sent back (to the world)! Then we would not deny the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.) of our Lord, and we would be of the believers!"

28. Nay, it has become manifest to them what they had been concealing before. But if they were returned (to the world), they would certainly revert to that which they were forbidden. And indeed they are liars.

29. And they said: "There is no (other life) but our (present) life of this world, and never shall we be resurrected (on the Day of Resurrection)."

30. If you could but see when they will be held (brought and made to stand) in front of their Lord! He will say: "Is not this (Resurrection and the taking of the accounts) the truth?" They will say: "Yes, by our Lord!" He will then say: "So taste you the torment because you used not to believe."

31. They indeed are losers who denied their Meeting with Allah , until all of a sudden, the Hour (signs of death) is on them, and they say: "Alas for us that we gave no thought to it," while they will bear their burdens on their backs; and evil indeed are the burdens that they will bear!

32. And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2). Will you not then understand?

33. We know indeed the grief which their words cause you (O Muhammad ): it is not you that they deny, but it is the Verses (the Qur'an) of Allah that the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) deny.

34. Verily, (many) Messengers were denied before you (O Muhammad ), but with patience they bore the denial, and they were hurt, till Our Help reached them, and none can alter the Words (Decisions) of Allah. Surely there has reached you the information (news) about the Messengers (before you).

35. If their aversion (from you, O Muhammad and from that with which you have been sent) is hard on you, (and you cannot be patient from their harm to you), then if you were able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the sky, so that you may bring them a sign (and you cannot do it, so be patient). And had Allah willed, He could have gathered them together (all) unto true guidance, so be not you one of those who are Al-Jahilun (the ignorant).

36. It is only those who listen (to the Message of Prophet Muhammad ), will respond (benefit from it), but as for the dead (disbelievers), Allah will raise them up, then to Him they will be returned (for their recompense).

37. And they said: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah is certainly Able to send down a sign, but most of them know not."

38. There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.

39. Those who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) are deaf and dumb in darkness. Allah sends astray whom He wills and He guides on the Straight Path whom He wills.

40. Say (O Muhammad ): "Tell me if Allah's Torment comes upon you, or the Hour comes upon you, would you then call upon any one other than Allah? (Reply) if you are truthful!"

41. Nay! To Him Alone you call, and, if He will, He would remove that (distress) for which you call upon Him, and you forget at that time whatever partners you joined with Him (in worship)!

42. Verily, We sent (Messengers) to many nations before you (O Muhammad ). And We seized them with extreme poverty (or loss in wealth) and loss in health with calamities so that they might believe with humility.

43. When Our Torment reached them, why then did they not believe with humility? But their hearts became hardened, and Shaitan (Satan) made fair-seeming to them that which they used to do.

44. So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them to punishment, and lo! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows.

45. So the roots of the people who did wrong were cut off. And all the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns, and all that exists). 

46. Say (to the disbelievers): "Tell me, if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts, who is there - an ilah (a god) other than Allah who could restore them to you?" See how variously We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), yet they turn aside.

47. Say: "Tell me, if the punishment of Allah comes to you suddenly (during the night), or openly (during the day), will any be destroyed except the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doing people)?"

48. And We send not the Messengers but as givers of glad tidings and as warners. So whosoever believes and does righteous good deeds, upon such shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.

49. But those who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), the torment will touch them for their disbelief (and for their belying the Message of Muhammad ). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi].

50. Say (O Muhammad ): "I don't tell you that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor (that) I know the unseen; nor I tell you that I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me by inspiration." Say: "Are the blind and the one who sees equal? will you not then take thought?"

51. And warn therewith (the Qur'an) those who fear that they will be gathered before their Lord, when there will be neither a protector nor an intercessor for them besides Him, so that they may fear Allah and keep their duty to Him (by abstaining from committing sins and by doing all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained).

52. And turn not away those who invoke their Lord, morning and afternoon seeking His Face. You are accountable for them in nothing, and they are accountable for you in nothing, that you may turn them away, and thus become of the Zalimun (unjust).

53. Thus We have tried some of them with others, that they might say: "Is it these (poor believers) that Allah has favoured from amongst us?" Does not Allah know best those who are grateful?

54. When those who believe in Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) come to you, say: "Salamun 'Alaikum" (peace be on you); your Lord has written Mercy for Himself, so that, if any of you does evil in ignorance, and thereafter repents and does righteous good deeds (by obeying Allah), then surely, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

55. And thus do We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, that the way of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), may become manifest.

56. Say (O Muhammad ): "I have been forbidden to worship those whom you invoke (worship) besides Allah." Say: "I will not follow your vain desires. If I did, I would go astray, and I would not be one of the rightly guided."

57. Say (O Muhammad ): "I am on clear proof from my Lord (Islamic Monotheism), but you deny (the truth that has come to me from Allah). I have not gotten what you are asking for impatiently (the torment). The decision is only for Allah, He declares the truth, and He is the Best of judges."

58. Say: "If I had that which you are asking for impatiently (the torment), the matter would have been settled at once between me and you, but Allah knows best the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."

59. And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.

60. It is He, Who takes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all that you have done by day, then he raises (wakes) you up again that a term appointed (your life period) be fulfilled, then in the end unto Him will be your return. Then He will inform you what you used to do. 

61. He is the Irresistible, Supreme over His slaves, and He sends guardians (angels guarding and writing all of one's good and bad deeds) over you , until when death approaches one of you, Our Messengers (angel of death and his assistants) take his soul, and they never neglect their duty.

62. Then they are returned to Allah, their Maula [True Master (God), the Just Lord (to reward them)]. Surely, His is the judgement and He is the Swiftest in taking account.

63. Say (O Muhammad ): "Who rescues you from the darkness of the land and the sea (dangers like storms), when you call upon Him in humility and in secret (saying): If He (Allah) only saves us from this (danger), we shall truly be grateful."

64. Say (O Muhammad ): "Allah rescues you from it and from all (other) distresses, and yet you worship others besides Allah."

65. Say: "He has power to send torment on you from above or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to taste the violence of one another." See how variously We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), so that they may understand. 

66. But your people (O Muhammad ) have denied it (the Qur'an) though it is the truth. Say: "I am not responsible for your affairs."

67. For every news there is a fact, i.e. for everything there is an appointed term (and it is also said that for every deed there is a recompense) and you will come to know.

68. And when you (Muhammad ) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses (of the Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if Shaitan (Satan) causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.).

69. Those who fear Allah, keep their duty to Him and avoid evil are not responsible for them (the disbelievers) in any case, but (their duty) is to remind them, that they may avoid that (mockery at the Qur'an). [The order of this Verse was cancelled (abrogated) by the Verse 4:140].

70. And leave alone those who take their religion as play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But remind (them) with it (the Qur'an) lest a person be given up to destruction for that which he has earned, when he will find for himself no protector or intercessor besides Allah, and even if he offers every ransom, it will not be accepted from him. Such are they who are given up to destruction because of that which they have earned. For them will be a drink of boiling water and a painful torment because they used to disbelieve.

71. Say (O Muhammad ): "Shall we invoke others besides Allah (false deities), that can do us neither good nor harm, and shall we turn on our heels after Allah has guided us (to true Monotheism)? - like one whom the Shayatin (devils) have made to go astray, confused (wandering) through the earth, his companions calling him to guidance (saying): 'Come to us.' " Say: "Verily, Allah's Guidance is the only guidance, and we have been commanded to submit (ourselves) to the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists);

72. And to perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat)", and to be obedient to Allah and fear Him, and it is He to Whom you shall be gathered.

73. It is He Who has created the heavens and the earth in truth, and on the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) He will say: "Be!", - and it shall become. His Word is the truth. His will be the dominion on the Day when the trumpet will be blown. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the All-Wise, Well-Aware (of all things). 

74. And (remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said to his father Azar: "Do you take idols as aliha (gods)? Verily, I see you and your people in manifest error. "

75. Thus did we show Ibrahim (Abraham) the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have Faith with certainty.

76. When the night covered him over with darkness he saw a star. He said: "This is my lord." But when it set, he said: "I like not those that set."

77. When he saw the moon rising up, he said: "This is my lord." But when it set, he said: "Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among the erring people."

78. When he saw the sun rising up, he said: "This is my lord. This is greater." But when it set, he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all that you join as partners in worship with Allah.

79. Verily, I have turned my face towards Him Who has created the heavens and the earth Hanifa (Islamic Monotheism, i.e. worshipping none but Allah Alone) and I am not of Al-Mushrikun (see V.2:105)".

80. His people disputed with him. He said: "Do you dispute with me concerning Allah while He has guided me, and I fear not those whom you associate with Allah in worship. (Nothing can happen to me) except when my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things. Will you not then remember?

81. And how should I fear those whom you associate in worship with Allah (though they can neither benefit nor harm), while you fear not that you have joined in worship with Allah things for which He has not sent down to you any authority. (So) which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know."

82. It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e. by worshipping others besides Allah), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.

83. And that was Our Proof which We gave Ibrahim (Abraham) against his people. We raise whom We will in degrees. Certainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.

84. And We bestowed upon him Ishaque (Isaac) and Ya'qub (Jacob), each of them We guided, and before him, We guided Nuh (Noah), and among his progeny Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ayub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), and Harun (Aaron). Thus do We reward the good-doers.

85. And Zakariya (Zachariya), and Yahya (John) and 'Iesa (Jesus) and Iliyas (Elias), each one of them was of the righteous.

86. And Isma'il (Ishmael) and Al-Yas'a (Elisha), and Yunus (Jonah) and Lout (Lot), and each one of them We preferred above the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns) (of their times).

87. And also some of their fathers and their progeny and their brethren, We chose them, and We guided them to a Straight Path.

88. This is the Guidance of Allah with which He guides whomsoever He will of His slaves. But if they had joined in worship others with Allah, all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them.

89. They are those whom We gave the Book, Al-Hukm (understanding of the religious laws), and Prophethood. But if these disbelieve therein (the Book, Al-Hukm and Prophethood), then, indeed We have entrusted it to a people (such as the Companions of Prophet Muhammad ) who are not disbelievers therein.

90. They are those whom Allah had guided. So follow their guidance. Say: "No reward I ask of you for this (the Qur'an). It is only a reminder for the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns)."

91. They (the Jews, Quraish pagans, idolaters, etc.) did not estimate Allah with an estimation due to Him when they said: "Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)." Say (O Muhammad ): "Who then sent down the Book which Musa (Moses) brought, a light and a guidance to mankind which you (the Jews) have made into (separate) papersheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much). And you (believers in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad ), were taught (through the Qur'an) that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol.7, Page 37).

92. And this (the Qur'an) is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming (the revelations) which came before it, so that you may warn the Mother of Towns (i.e. Makkah) and all those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in (the Qur'an), and they are constant in guarding their Salat (prayers).

93. And who can be more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah, or says: "I have received inspiration," whereas he is not inspired in anything; and who says, "I will reveal the like of what Allah has revealed." And if you could but see when the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands (saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth. And you used to reject His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) with disrespect! "

94. And truly you have come unto Us alone (without wealth, companions or anything else) as We created you the first time. You have left behind you all that which We had bestowed on you. We see not with you your intercessors whom you claimed to be partners with Allah. Now all relations between you and them have been cut off, and all that you used to claim has vanished from you.

95. Verily! It is Allah Who causes the seed-grain and the fruit-stone (like date-stone, etc.) to split and sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead, and it is He Who brings forth the dead from the living. Such is Allah, then how are you deluded away from the truth?

96. (He is the) Cleaver of the daybreak. He has appointed the night for resting, and the sun and the moon for reckoning. Such is the measuring of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

97. It is He Who has set the stars for you, so that you may guide your course with their help through the darkness of the land and the sea. We have (indeed) explained in detail Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, Revelations, etc.) for people who know.

98. It is He Who has created you from a single person (Adam), and has given you a place of residing (on the earth or in your mother's wombs) and a place of storage [in the earth (in your graves) or in your father's loins]. Indeed, We have explained in detail Our revelations (this Qur'an) for people who understand.

99. It is He Who sends down water (rain) from the sky, and with it We bring forth vegetation of all kinds, and out of it We bring forth green stalks, from which We bring forth thick clustered grain. And out of the date-palm and its spathe come forth clusters of dates hanging low and near, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranates, each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety and taste). Look at their fruits when they begin to bear, and the ripeness thereof. Verily! In these things there are signs for people who believe.

100. Yet, they join the jinns as partners in worship with Allah, though He has created them (the jinns), and they attribute falsely without knowledge sons and daughters to Him. Be He Glorified and Exalted above (all) that they attribute to Him.

101. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything .

102. Such is Allah, your Lord! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Creator of all things. So worship Him (Alone), and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all things.

103. No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.

104. Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad ) am not a watcher over you.

105. Thus We explain variously the Verses so that they (the disbelievers) may say: "You have studied (the Books of the people of the Scripture and brought this Qur'an from that)" and that We may make the matter clear for the people who have knowledge.

106. Follow what has been inspired to you (O Muhammad ) from your Lord, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) and turn aside from Al-Mushrikun.

107. Had Allah willed, they would not have taken others besides Him in worship. And We have not made you a watcher over them nor are you set over them to dispose of their affairs.

108. And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lord is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do.

109. And they swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if there came to them a sign, they would surely believe therein. Say: "Signs are but with Allah and what will make you (Muslims) perceive that (even) if it (the sign) came, they will not believe?"

110. And We shall turn their hearts and their eyes away (from guidance), as they refused to believe therein for the first time, and We shall leave them in their trespass to wander blindly.

111. And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and the dead had spoken unto them, and We had gathered together all things before their very eyes, they would not have believed, unless Allah willed, but most of them behave ignorantly.

112. And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications. (Tafseer Qurtubi, Vol.7, Page 67)

113. (And this is in order) that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to such (deceit), and that they may remain pleased with it, and that they may commit what they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.).

114. [Say (O Muhammad )] "Shall I seek a judge other than Allah while it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (The Qur'an), explained in detail." Those unto whom We gave the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth. So be not you of those who doubt.

115. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change His Words. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

116. And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's Path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie.

117. Verily, your Lord! It is He Who knows best who strays from His Way, and He knows best the rightly guided ones.

118. So eat of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has been pronounced (while slaughtering the animal), if you are believers in His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).

119. And why should you not eat of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has been pronounced (at the time of slaughtering the animal), while He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity? And surely many do lead (mankind) astray by their own desires through lack of knowledge. Certainly your Lord knows best the transgressors.

120. Leave (O mankind, all kinds of) sin, open and secret. Verily, those who commit sin will get due recompense for that which they used to commit.

121. Eat not (O believers) of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has not been pronounced (at the time of the slaughtering of the animal), for sure it is Fisq (a sin and disobedience of Allah). And certainly, the Shayatin (devils) do inspire their friends (from mankind) to dispute with you, and if you obey them [by making Al-Maytatah (a dead animal) legal by eating it], then you would indeed be Mushrikun (polytheists) [because they (devils and their friends) made lawful to you to eat that which Allah has made unlawful to eat and you obeyed them by considering it lawful to eat, and by doing so you worshipped them, and to worship others besides Allah is polytheism].

122. Is he who was dead (without Faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him life (by knowledge and Faith) and set for him a light (of Belief) whereby he can walk amongst men, like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) from which he can never come out? Thus it is made fair-seeming to the disbelievers that which they used to do.

123. And thus We have set up in every town great ones of its wicked people to plot therein. But they plot not except against their ownselves, and they perceive (it) not. 

124. And when there comes to them a sign (from Allah) they say: "We shall not believe until we receive the like of that which the Messengers of Allah had received." Allah knows best with whom to place His Message. Humiliation and disgrace from Allah and a severe torment will overtake the criminals (polytheists, sinners, etc.) for that which they used to plot.

125. And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam, and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky. Thus Allah puts the wrath on those who believe not.

126. And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur'an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for a people who take heed.

127. For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) because of what they used to do.

128. And on the Day when He will gather them (all) together (and say): "O you assembly of jinns! Many did you mislead of men," and their Auliya' (friends and helpers, etc.) amongst men will say: "Our Lord! We benefited one from the other, but now we have reached our appointed term which You did appoint for us." He will say: "The Fire be your dwelling-place, you will dwell therein forever, except as Allah may will. Certainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing."

129. And thus We do make the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) Auliya' (supporters and helpers) one to another (in committing crimes etc.), because of that which they used to earn.

130. O you assembly of jinns and mankind! "Did not there come to you Messengers from amongst you, reciting unto you My Verses and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "We bear witness against ourselves." It was the life of this world that deceived them. And they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers.

131. This is because your Lord would not destroy the (populations of) towns for their wrong-doing (i.e. associating others in worship along with Allah) while their people were unaware (so the Messengers were sent).

132. For all there will be degrees (or ranks) according to what they did. And your Lord is not unaware of what they do.

133. And your Lord is Rich (Free of all wants), full of Mercy, if He will, He can destroy you, and in your place make whom He will as your successors, as He raised you from the seed of other people.

134. Surely, that which you are promised will verily come to pass, and you cannot escape (from the Punishment of Allah).

135. Say (O Muhammad ): "O my people! Work according to your way, surely, I too am working (in my way), and you will come to know for which of us will be the (happy) end in the Hereafter. Certainly the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) will not be successful."

136. And they assign to Allah a share of the tilth and cattle which He has created, and they say: "This is for Allah according to their pretending, and this is for our (Allah's so-called) partners." But the share of their (Allah's so-called) "partners" reaches not Allah, while the share of Allah reaches their (Allah's so-called) "partners"! Evil is the way they judge!

137. And so to many of the Mushrikun (polytheists - see V.2:105) their (Allah's so-called) "partners" have made fair-seeming the killing of their children, in order to lead them to their own destruction and cause confusion in their religion. And if Allah had willed they would not have done so. So leave them alone with their fabrications.

138. And according to their pretending, they say that such and such cattle and crops are forbidden, and none should eat of them except those whom we allow. And (they say) there are cattle forbidden to be used for burden or any other work, and cattle on which (at slaughtering) the Name of Allah is not pronounced; lying against Him (Allah). He will recompense them for what they used to fabricate.

139. And they say: "What is in the bellies of such and such cattle (milk or foetus) is for our males alone, and forbidden to our females (girls and women), but if it is born dead, then all have shares therein." He will punish them for their attribution (of such false orders to Allah). Verily, He is All-Wise, All-Knower. (Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 8, Page 49).

140. Indeed lost are they who have killed their children, from folly, without knowledge, and have forbidden that which Allah has provided for them, inventing a lie against Allah. They have indeed gone astray and were not guided.

141. And it is He Who produces gardens trellised and untrellised, and date-palms, and crops of different shape and taste (its fruits and its seeds) and olives, and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in taste). Eat of their fruit when they ripen, but pay the due thereof (its Zakat, according to Allah's Orders 1/10th or 1/20th) on the day of its harvest, and waste not by extravagance . Verily, He likes not Al-Musrifun (those who waste by extravagance),

142. And of the cattle (are some) for burden (like camels etc.) and (some are) small (unable to carry burden like sheep, goats etc. for food, meat, milk, wool etc.). Eat of what Allah has provided for you, and follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). Surely he is to you an open enemy.

143. Eight pairs; of the sheep two (male and female) , and of the goats two (male and female). Say: "Has He forbidden the two males or the two females, or (the young) which the wombs of the two females enclose? Inform me with knowledge if you are truthful."

144. And of the camels two (male and female), and of oxen two (male and female). Say: "Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or (the young) which the wombs of the two females enclose? Or were you present when Allah ordered you such a thing? Then who does more wrong than one who invents a lie against Allah, to lead mankind astray without knowledge. Certainly Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."

145. Say (O Muhammad ): "I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytatah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork, etc.) for that surely is impure, or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah (or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allah's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering). But whosoever is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, (for him) certainly, your Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

146. And unto those who are Jews, We forbade every (animal) with undivided hoof, and We forbade them the fat of the ox and the sheep except what adheres to their backs or their entrails, or is mixed up with a bone. Thus We recompensed them for their rebellion [committing crimes like murdering the Prophets, eating of Riba (usury), etc.]. And verily, We are Truthful.

147. If they (Jews) belie you (Muhammad ) say you: "Your Lord is the Owner of Vast Mercy, and never will His Wrath be turned back from the people who are Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.)."

148. Those who took partners (in worship) with Allah will say: "If Allah had willed, we would not have taken partners (in worship) with Him, nor would our fathers, and we would not have forbidden anything (against His Will)." Likewise belied those who were before them, (they argued falsely with Allah's Messengers), till they tasted of Our Wrath. Say: "Have you any knowledge (proof) that you can produce before us? Verily, you follow nothing but guess and you do nothing but lie."

149. Say: "With Allah is the perfect proof and argument, (i.e. the Oneness of Allah, the sending of His Messengers and His Holy Books, etc. to mankind), had He so willed, He would indeed have guided you all."

150. Say: "Bring forward your witnesses, who can testify that Allah has forbidden this. Then if they testify, testify not you (O Muhammad ) with them. And you should not follow the vain desires of such as treat Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) as falsehoods, and such as believe not in the Hereafter, and they hold others as equal (in worship) with their Lord."

151. Say (O Muhammad ): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand.

152. "And come not near to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he (or she) attains the age of full strength; and give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but that which he can bear. And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence, etc.), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned, and fulfill the Covenant of Allah, This He commands you, that you may remember.

153. "And verily, this (i.e. Allah's Commandments mentioned in the above two Verses 151 and 152) is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2)."

154. Then, We gave Musa (Moses) the Book [the Taurat (Torah)], to complete (Our Favour) upon those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.

155. And this is a blessed Book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah (i.e. do not disobey His Orders), that you may receive mercy (i.e. saved from the torment of Hell).

156. Lest you (pagan Arabs) should say: "The Book was only sent down to two sects before us (the Jews and the Christians), and for our part, we were in fact unaware of what they studied."

157. Or lest you (pagan Arabs) should say: "If only the Book had been sent down to us, we would surely have been better guided than they (Jews and Christians)." So now has come unto you a clear proof (the Qur'an) from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy. Who then does more wrong than one who rejects the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah and turns away therefrom? We shall requite those who turn away from Our Ayat with an evil torment, because of their turning away (from them). [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 8, Page 95]

158. Do they then wait for anything other than that the angels should come to them, or that your Lord should come, or that some of the Signs of your Lord should come (i.e. portents of the Hour e.g., arising of the sun from the west)! The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith. Say: "Wait you! we (too) are waiting."

159. Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects) , you (O Muhammad ) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do. 

160. Whoever brings a good deed (Islamic Monotheism and deeds of obedience to Allah and His Messenger ) shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit, and whoever brings an evil deed (polytheism, disbelief, hypocrisy, and deeds of disobedience to Allah and His Messenger ) shall have only the recompense of the like thereof, and they will not be wronged.

161. Say (O Muhammad ): "Truly, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a right religion, the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), Hanifa [i.e. the true Islamic Monotheism - to believe in One God (Allah i.e. to worship none but Allah, Alone)] and he was not of Al-Mushrikun (see V.2:105)."

162. Say (O Muhammad ): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

163. "He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims." 

164. Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then unto your Lord is your return, so He will tell you that wherein you have been differing."

165. And it is He Who has made you generations coming after generations, replacing each other on the earth. And He has raised you in ranks, some above others that He may try you in that which He has bestowed on you. Surely your Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

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