Ocena Teme:
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53. An-Nagm – Zvijezda
53. An-Nagm – Zvijezda Mekka – 62 ajeta.

U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Samilosnog!

1. Tako Mi zvijezde kad zalazi,

2. vaš drug* nije s Pravoga puta skrenuo i nije zalutao!

3. o­n ne govori po hiru svome -

4. to je samo Objava koja mu se obznanjuje,

5. uči ga Jedan ogromne snage,

6. razboriti, koji se pojavio u liku svome

7. na obzorju najvišem,

8. zatim se približio, pa nadnio -

9. blizu koliko dva luka ili bliže -

10. i objavio robu Njegovu o­no što je objavio,

11. srce nije poreklo o­no što je vidio,

12. pa zašto se prepirete s njim o o­nom što je vidio?

13. o­n Ga je i drugi put vidio,

14. kod Sidretu-l-muntehaa,

15. kod kojeg je džennetsko prebivalište,

16. kad je Sidru pokrivalo o­no što je pokrivalo -

17. pogled mu nije skrenuo, nije prekoračio,

18. vidio je najveličanstvenija znamenja svoga Gospodara.

19. Šta kažete o Latu i Uzzau

20. i Menatu, trećoj, najmanje cijenjenoj? -

21. Zar su za vas sinovi, a za Njega kćeri?!

22. To bi tada bila podjela nepravedna.

23. To su samo imena koja ste im vi i preci vaši nadjenuli, Allah o njima nikakav dokaz nije poslao; o­ni se povode samo za pretpostavkama i o­nim za čim duše žude, a već im dolazi od Gospodara njihova prava uputa.

24. Ne može čovjek ostvariti sve što poželi,

25. Allahu pripada i ovaj i o­naj svijet!

26. A koliko na nebesima ima meleka čije posredovanje nikome neće biti od koristi, sve dok Allah to ne dozvoli o­nome kome o­n hoće i u korist o­noga kojim je zadovoljan.

27. o­ni koji ne vjeruju u o­naj svijet nazivaju meleke imenima ženskim,

28. a o tome ništa ne znaju, slijede samo pretpostavke, a pretpostavka istini baš nimalo ne koristi.

29. Zato se ti okani o­noga koji Kur’an izbjegava i koji samo život na ovome svijetu želi -

30. to je vrhunac njihova znanja – Gospodar tvoj dobro zna o­ne koji su skrenuli s Njegova puta i o­n dobro zna o­ne koji su na pravome putu.

31. Allahovo je sve što je na nebesima i što je na Zemlji – da bi, prema o­nome kako su radili, kaznio o­ne koji rade zlo, a najljepšom nagradom nagradio o­ne koji čine dobro,

32. o­ne koji se klone velikih grijehova i naročito razvrata, a grijehove bezazlene o­n će oprostiti jer Gospodar tvoj, zaista, mnogo prašta – o­n dobro zna sve o vama, otkad vas je stvorio od zemlje i otkad ste bili zameci u utrobama majki vaših; zato se ne hvališite bezgrješnošću svojom – o­n dobro zna o­noga koji se grijeha kloni.

33. Reci ti Meni o o­nome koji istinu izbjegava

34. i malo udjeljuje, i posve prestane udjeljivati,

35. zna li o­n o­no što je skriveno, pa vidi?

36. Zar o­n nije obaviješten o o­nome šta se nalazi u listovima Musaovim

37. i Ibrahimovim – koji je obaveze potpuno ispunjavao -

38. da nijedan grješnik tuđe grijehe neće nositi,

39. i da je čovjekovo samo o­no što sam uradi,

40. i da će se trud njegov, sigurno, iskazati,

41. i da će prema njemu u potpunosti nagrađen ili kažnjen biti,

42. i da će se Gospodaru tvome ponovo vratiti,

43. i da o­n na smijeh i na plač navodi,

44. i da o­n usmrćuje i oživljava

45. i da o­n par, muško i žensko, stvara

46. od kapi sjemena kad se izbaci;

47. i da će ih o­n ponovo oživiti,

48. i da o­n daje bogatstvo i moć da stječu,

49. i da je o­n Sirijusa Gospodar,

50. i da je o­n drevni narod Ad uništio,

51. i Semud, i da nikog nije poštedio,

52. i još prije Nuhov narod, koji je najokrutniji i najobjesniji bio;

53. i prevrnuta naselja o­n je prevrnuo,

54. i snašlo ih je o­no što ih je snašlo

55. pa, u koju blagodat Gospodara svoga ti još sumnjaš?

56. Ovaj Kur’an je opomena kao i prijašnje opomene:

57. Smak svijeta se približava,

58. Allah će ga jedini otkriti!

59. Pa zar se ovom govoru iščuđavate -

60. i smijete se, a ne plačete -

61. gordo dignutih glava?

62. Bolje padajte licem na tle pred Allahom i klanjajte se!

(Kur’an Časni)
53. Surah An-Najm (The Star)

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. By the star when it goes down, (or vanishes).

2. Your companion (Muhammad ) has neither gone astray nor has erred.

3. Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.

4. It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.

5. He has been taught (this Qur'an) by one mighty in power [Jibrael (Gabriel)].

6. Dhu Mirrah (free from any defect in body and mind), Fastawa [then he (Jibrael - Gabriel) rose and became stable]. [Tafsir At-Tabari].

7. While he [Jibrael (Gabriel)] was in the highest part of the horizon,

8. Then he [Jibrael (Gabriel)] approached and came closer,

9. And was at a distance of two bows' length or (even) nearer,

10. So did (Allah) convey the Inspiration to His slave [Muhammad through Jibrael (Gabriel)].

11. The (Prophet's) heart lied not (in seeing) what he (Muhammad ) saw.

12. Will you then dispute with him (Muhammad ) about what he saw [during the Mi'raj: (Ascent of the Prophet over the seven heavens)] .

13. And indeed he (Muhammad ) saw him [Jibrael (Gabriel)] at a second descent (i.e. another time).

14. Near Sidrat-ul-Muntaha [lote-tree of the utmost boundary (beyond which none can pass)],

15. Near it is the Paradise of Abode.

16. When that covered the lote-tree which did cover it!

17. The sight (of Prophet Muhammad ) turned not aside (right or left), nor it transgressed beyond (the) limit (ordained for it).

18. Indeed he (Muhammad ) did see, of the Greatest Signs, of his Lord (Allah).

19. Have you then considered Al-Lat, and Al-'Uzza (two idols of the pagan Arabs)

20. And Manat (another idol of the pagan Arabs), the other third?

21. Is it for you the males and for Him the females?

22. That indeed is a division most unfair!

23. They are but names which you have named, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow but a guess and that which they themselves desire, whereas there has surely come to them the Guidance from their Lord!

24. Or shall man have what he wishes?

25. But to Allah belongs the last (Hereafter) and the first (the world).

26. And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and pleases.

27. Verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.

28. While they have no knowledge thereof. They follow but a guess, and verily, guess is no substitute for the truth.

29. Therefore withdraw (O Muhammad ) from him who turns away from Our Reminder (this Qur'an) and desires nothing but the life of this world.

30. That is what they could reach of knowledge. Verily, your Lord it is He Who knows best him who goes astray from His Path, and He knows best him who receives guidance.

31. And to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, that He may requite those who do evil with that which they have done (i.e. punish them in Hell), and reward those who do good, with what is best (i.e. Paradise).

32. Those who avoid great sins (see the Qur'an, Verses: 6:152,153) and Al-Fawahish (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) except the small faults, verily, your Lord is of vast forgiveness. He knows you well when He created you from the earth (Adam), and when you were fetuses in your mothers' wombs. So ascribe not purity to yourselves. He knows best him who fears Allah and keep his duty to Him [i.e. those who are Al-Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2)].

33. Did you (O Muhammad ) observe him who turned away (from Islam).

34. And gave a little, then stopped (giving)?

35. Is with him the knowledge of the unseen so that he sees?

36. Or is he not informed with what is in the Pages (Scripture) of Musa (Moses),

37. And of Ibrahim (Abraham) who fulfilled (or conveyed) all that (what Allah ordered him to do or convey),

38. That no burdened person (with sins) shall bear the burden (sins) of another.

39. And that man can have nothing but what he does (good or bad) ,

40. And that his deeds will be seen,

41. Then he will be recompensed with a full and the best recompense

42. And that to your Lord (Allah) is the End (Return of everything).

43. And that it is He (Allah) Who makes (whom He wills) laugh, and makes (whom He wills) weep;

44. And that it is He (Allah) Who causes death and gives life;

45. And that He (Allah) creates the pairs, male and female,

46. From Nutfah (drops of semen male and female discharges) when it is emitted;

47. And that upon Him (Allah) is another bringing forth (Resurrection);

48. And that it is He (Allah) Who gives much or a little (or gives wealth and contentment),

49. And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the star which the pagan Arabs used to worship);

50. And that it is He (Allah) Who destroyed the former 'Ad (people),

51. And Thamud (people). He spared none of them.

52. And the people of Nuh (Noah) aforetime, verily, they were more unjust and more rebellious and transgressing [in disobeying Allah and His Messenger Nuh (Noah)].

53. And He destroyed the overthrown cities [of Sodom to which Prophet Lout (Lot) was sent].

54. So there covered them that which did cover (i.e. torment with stones).

55. Then which of the Graces of your Lord (O man!) will you doubt.

56. This (Muhammad ) is a warner (Messenger) of the (series of) warners (Messengers) of old .

57. The Day of Resurrection draws near,

58. None besides Allah can avert it, (or advance it, or delay it).

59. Do you then wonder at this recital (the Qur'an)?

60. And you laugh at it and weep not,

61. Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing, etc.).

62. So fall you down in prostration to Allah, and worship Him (Alone).

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