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77. Al-Mursalat – Poslani - Oblik za Štampu +- Vakat | Forum (https://forum.vakat.eu) +-- Forum: Forum | Teme (https://forum.vakat.eu/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Kuran & Kerim (https://forum.vakat.eu/forum-3.html) +--- Tema: 77. Al-Mursalat – Poslani (/thread-146.html) |
77. Al-Mursalat – Poslani - Boots - 07-10-2022 77. Al-Mursalat – Poslani Mekka – 50 ajeta.
U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Samilosnog! 1. Tako mi onih koji se jedan za drugim šalju* 2. pa kao vihor hite, 3. i onih koji objavljuju 4. pa razdvajaju, 5. i Objavu dostavljaju, 6. opravdanje ili opomenu - 7. sigurno će biti ono čime vam se prijeti! 8. Kada zvijezde sjaj izgube 9. i kada se nebo otvori 10. i kada se planine u prah zdrobe 11. i kada se poslanici u određeno vrijeme skupe… 12. “Do kojeg dana je to odloženo?” - 13. “Do Dana sudnjeg!” 14. A znaš li ti šta je Dan sudnji? - 15. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 16. Zar Mi nismo drevne narode uništili 17. i poslije njih i one koji su za njima dolazili?! 18. Isto tako ćemo sa svim grješnicima postupati! 19. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 20. Zar vas od neznatne tekućine ne stvaramo, 21. koju na pouzdano mjesto stavljamo 22. do roka određenoga?! 23. Takva je Naša moć; a kako smo Mi samo moćni! - 24. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 25. Zar Mi nismo učinili Zemlju sabiralištem 26. živih i mrtvih 27. i na njoj nepomične visoke planine postavili, i zar vam Mi ne dajemo da slatku vodu pijete? 28. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 29. Idite prema onome što ste neistinom smatrali, 30. idite prema dimu u tri plama razdvojenom, 31. koji hlada neće davati i koji od plamena neće zaklanjati. 32. on će kao kule bacati iskre 33. kao da su kamile riđe. 34. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 35. Ovo je dan u kome oni neće ni prozboriti 36. i pravdanje im neće dozvoljeno biti. 37. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 38. Ovo je Dan sudnji, i vas i narode drevne ćemo sakupiti, 39. pa ako se lukavstvom kakvim budete znali poslužiti, dovijte se protiv Mene! 40. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 41. oni koji su se Allaha bojali biće među izvorima, u gustim baščama 42. i među voćem koje budu željeli. 43. “Jedite i pijte, prijatno neka vam je! – za ono što ste radili” 44. Tako ćemo Mi one koji čine dobra djela nagraditi. 45. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 46. “Jedite i naslađujte se, ali zakratko! – vi ste, zaista, grješnici!” 47. Teško toga dana poricateljima! - 48. jer kad im se govorilo: “Budite prema Allahu ponizni!” – oni to nisu htjeli biti, 49. Teško toga dana poricateljima! 50. Pa u koji će govor, ako ne u Kur’an, vjerovati?! (Kur’an Časni) RE: 77. Al-Mursalat – Poslani - Media - 19-11-2022 77. Surah Al-Mursalaat (Those sent forth)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. By the winds (or angels or the Messengers of Allah) sent forth one after another. 2. And by the winds that blow violently, 3. And by the winds that scatter clouds and rain; 4. And by the Verses (of the Qur'an) that separate the right from the wrong. 5. And by the angels that bring the revelations to the Messengers, 6. To cut off all excuses or to warn; 7. Surely, what you are promised must come to pass. 8. Then when the stars lose their lights; 9. And when the heaven is cleft asunder; 10. And when the mountains are blown away; 11. And when the Messengers are gathered to their time appointed; 12. For what Day are these signs postponed? 13. For the Day of sorting out (the men of Paradise from the men destined for Hell). 14. And what will explain to you what is the Day of sorting out? 15. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 16. Did We not destroy the ancients? 17. So shall We make later generations to follow them. 18. Thus do We deal with the Mujrimun (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.)! 19. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 20. Did We not create you from a worthless water (semen, etc.)? 21. Then We placed it in a place of safety (womb), 22. For a known period (determined by gestation)? 23. So We did measure, and We are the Best to measure (the things). 24. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 25. Have We not made the earth a receptacle? 26. For the living and the dead. 27. And have placed therein firm, and tall mountains; and have given you to drink sweet water? 28. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 29. (It will be said to the disbelievers): "Depart you to that which you used to deny! 30. "Depart you to a shadow (of Hell-fire smoke ascending) in three columns, 31. "Neither shading, nor of any use against the fierce flame of the Fire." 32. Verily! It (Hell) throws sparks (huge) as Al-Qasr [a fort or a Qasr (huge log of wood)], 33. As if they were Jimalatun Sufr (yellow camels or bundles of ropes)." 34. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 35. That will be a Day when they shall not speak (during some part of it), 36. And they will not be permitted to put forth any excuse. 37. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 38. That will be a Day of Decision! We have brought you and the men of old together! 39. So if you have a plot, use it against Me (Allah)! 40. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 41. Verily, the Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2) shall be amidst shades and springs. 42. And fruits, such as they desire. 43. "Eat and drink comfortably for that which you used to do. 44. Verily, thus We reward the Muhsinun (good-doers). 45. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 46. (O you disbelievers)! Eat and enjoy yourselves (in this worldly life) for a little while. Verily, you are the Mujrimun (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.). 47. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 48. And when it is said to them: "Bow down yourself (in prayer)!" They bow not down (offer not their prayers) . 49. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)! 50. Then in what statement after this (the Qur'an) will they believe? |